Case Studies

Our Company



Creating a new positive spin on covert cameras, doing good for the environment, councils and residents.

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Discrete environmental monitoring


Messaging Strategy
Brand Identity
Website Design


With state-of-the-art technology and simple plug-and-play technology, we wanted to position the concept of covert cameras in a positive light so that it became a no-brainer for councilors to use.


The core challenge was communicating the ease and simplicity to councils. We needed to translate tech speak to simple terms, and derisk the process to encouraged councillors to take action.

The Journey

How we went about helping EnviroCam

EnviroCam is a revolutionary covert camera surveillance system specifically developed to target illegal dumping. Our goals were to put a positive spin on covert cameras - after all, they are helping residents, the environment, and councils by catching illegal dumping. We re-invisioned their brand to have s positive angle.

A messaging strategy that connects

From our workshop it became clear that it wasn't just reaching loacl councils, it was educating them on the ease of EnviroCams products, and ensuring a positive feel. Essentially, that this was simple, and would be a positive step they could take with local residents. We developed the tagline

"Here for good"

This tagline then evolved to include:
Good for councils, good for the environment, and good for residents.

Creating a seamless and intuitive experience

One of our major challenges was to take the "tech talk" out of EnviroCam's brand. Essentially, we aimed to shift the brand to become the apple of covert cameras. Our major aim was to appeal to councilors and present this as a simple, foolproof option they could feel good about implementing. This was done largely through product photography.

  • Photography

  • Colours

  • Image styles

  • Tone of voice

  • Brand guide

  • Branding patterns

  • Typography

  • Illustration style

Designing a website that takes UX to the next level

With impeccable photography and a strong brand in place, our next job was to ensure the website was as seamless and intuitive as possible. Our aim was to create something simple and easy to use.

HomeMed banner image


Connecting with Councillors

EnviroCam was transformed into a brand that councilors loved to work with. The company saw instant growth at a tradeshow immediately after, and was even able to leverage their exiting councilor connections for additional sales.

A feel-good brand

Intuitive website that sells

Making EnviroCam a no-brainer


Complexity Made Captivating

We transform your intricate tech concepts into clear, enticing messages, paired with compelling branding and web design. Turning your website from something that caused confusion, into a top-performing education and sales-driving machine.

Unleash Your Narrative