Case Studies

Our Company

Virtual Pharmacy

HomeMed Pharmacy

Paving a clear path for American businesses to empower their staff in effectively managing chronic illnesses through a flat fee virtual pharmacy service.

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Virtual Pharmacy for USA Businesses


Messaging Strategy
Brand Identity
Website Design
App Design

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HomeMed, a licensed virtual pharmacy serving across the USA, operates on a simple ethos - better health benefits everyone. The primary aim was to connect with larger corporations, introducing them to HomeMed’s employer pharmacy plan, a service that guarantees unlimited prescriptions for a nominal monthly fee per employee.


The core challenge identified was motivating businesses to embrace HomeMed’s services and encouraging employees to actively manage their health, particularly chronic conditions. By aiding employees in enhancing their health, HomeMed could subsequently reduce insurance premiums for their clients, fostering a healthier and more content workforce.

The Journey

A clear path to transforming HomeMed

Our strategy was dual-fold – appealing to both the corporations and the employees, emphasizing the importance of utilizing the service.


A Clear Messaging Strategy

By putting a positive lens on medications and conducting a SWOT analysis, we identified that the significant barrier was inaction rather than competition. Our goal was to instil a sense of responsibility and care among employers and employees. The developed brand is approachable, accessible, and inclusive. By offering simplified pricing and a zero co-pay, HomeMed is navigating through the intricate American healthcare system, constructing a clear avenue to enhanced health.


Forging a brand that sells the product

  • Logo design

  • Colours

  • Image styles

  • Tone of voice

  • Brand guide

  • Branding patterns

  • Typography

Website Design

Crafting a Website that Educates and Converts

The designed website is user-friendly, navigational, and primarily, accentuates the benefits of prioritising health.

HomeMed banner image

App Design

Creating a seamless app user experience

The devised app caters to both business and employee needs. The business dashboard allows company managers to monitor prescription fulfilment and dependant usage, ensuring financial viability. Simultaneously, the employee interface enables users to track medication deliveries, monitor prescription needs, and receive alerts for doctor visits.


HomeMed Embarks on a New Journey

With a revitalized brand emphasizing people-centric values, HomeMed is now positioned to showcase the immense benefits of prioritizing health.

Clear direction

Future-Focused Vision

A Sales-Driving Website

"Again, really appreciate all of your work on this project”.

“I’ve been looking at the same logo with the same colours for almost 20 years; it took a couple of days to step back and realize how much of a step forward this is."

Ryan O’Rourke, President, HomeMed


Complexity Made Captivating

We translate your intricate tech concepts into clear, compelling messages, harmonised with striking branding and web design. Evolve your website from a source of confusion to a top-performing, educational, and sales-driving asset.

Unleash Your Narrative