Case Studies

Our Company

Industrial Automation


Turning intricate technology into clear, consistent messaging helped Medulla share the benefits of its industrial automation solution with a wider manufacturing audience.

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Powerful industrial automation for the manufacturing sector, including health, electronics, brewing and machinery

  • Messaging strategy

  • Brand identity

  • Website design

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Medulla, a nascent tech startup, had already demonstrated its prowess with a select clientele; but lacked a clear go-to-market strategy and struggled to explain its offerings to investors. The mission: harness our engineering background to decode Medulla’s industrial automation solution to create clear, compelling messaging for investors and manufacturers.


With a diverse target audience within manufacturing, each facing unique challenges, establishing a universal language was paramount. The evolutionary nature of the product also required a flexible approach to accommodate changes throughout the project’s lifespan. The challenge: develop targeted messaging that could evolve alongside the technology.

Testimonials from Medulla Founders, Neil Baker & Kurt Friday

The Journey

Decoding & simplifying Medulla’s industrial automation solution

Medulla had struggled to find a marketing agency that could understand their technically complex industrial automation solution. With a strong engineering background, Multiverse was able to comprehend Medulla's complex offerings, developing an effective messaging approach that focused on its benefits for both people and processes.


Direct and Inclusive

The tagline, “Helping Manufacturers Thrive,” captures the essence of Medulla while resonating with various manufacturing sectors and investors. The clarity and conciseness of the messaging, infused with the founders’ persona, emphasised the tangible benefits of Medulla’s solution for manufacturers.


Relatable and Distinctive

The hero imagery emerged as the pivotal branding element for Medulla. The logo retained its original essence with a contemporary touch, with the focus shifting to creating a visual narrative. Placing real people in front of illustrated manufacturing graphics brings people and processes together, fostering an immediate connection with Medulla’s clientele.

  • Logo refinement

  • Colour refinement

  • Typography

  • Tone of voice

  • Hero imagery

  • Dashboard design

  • Illustrations & brand patterns

  • Brand guide


Clarity and Conversion

Prioritising simplicity and lucidity, the website integrates succinct messaging with captivating visuals for maximum clarity. The clean design guides manufacturers through Medulla’s offerings, using compelling calls to action to encourage them to get in touch or book a demo.

  • Visually arresting graphics break up text and enhance understanding

  • Easy to navigate menu simplifies Medulla’s product offerings

  • Focus on explaining the benefits of the solution for manufacturers

  • Hero imagery differentiates Medulla from its competitors.

HomeMed banner image


Beyond All Expectations

Medulla’s journey with Multiverse exceeded all expectations. By demystifying complex technology through targeted messaging, Multiverse established a clear and compelling brand presence for Medulla. This has made it easier to attract investment and share the benefits of its industrial automation solution with manufacturers.

Clear messaging

universal comprehensibility ensures Medulla’s voice is consistently resonant and impactful

Distinct Imagery

unique storytelling visuals set Medulla apart, ensuring enduring brand recall

Strategic CTAs

the use of clear CTAs helps users to seamlessly navigate the site and take action.

It’s a pivotal tool driving sales through clear, concise design and messaging

“The website, akin to a point-of-sale platform, is strategically laden with CTAs, ensuring connectivity and demo setups at every turn."

Neil Baker, Founder & CEO


Complexity Made Captivating

We turn intricate tech concepts into engaging narratives, coupled with striking branding and web design. Take your website from a source of ambiguity to an educational, sales-driving machine.

Clarify Your Message